Thursday 6 October 2011

The Works of Simon Bisely

For some reason I decided to redesign my Characters for my Futures project. here they are.
I got the Idea after looking at Images of Simon Bisely's Art work but! Just who is Simon Bisley!? to find out were going to send him round the Track with are tamed race car driver. Some say oh wait thats Top Gear sorry I was getting carried away there
 Simon Bisley is a British Comic artists and is Best known for his 1990s works with 2000AD's "A.B.C Warriors","Slaine", DC comics "Lobo", "Doom Patrol" and some Marvel comic characters. asides from that his he also draws Monsters (Like me :3) His Works mostly Consist of Wacky characters, Buxom women, and Big burly blokes with Massive guns Kinda like Video games of today like Gears of War and that Space marines game thats recently come out!. Simon and his works have influenced the current media such as the "Beast" in the 2006 doctor who episode "The Satans Pit" LOOK BELLOW IF YOU DARE!
and Simon Pegg's character graphic artist Tim Bisley in channel 4's sitcom "Spaced". 

I will now show you some of his work which I "borrowed" off 

Is that a fact now?

        Spider-Man vs Venom

The deadly seven

Judge Dredd points his gun at you

Cover to Doom Patrol #41 by Simon Bisley

Winged blonde and her mate

Two girls dressed as clowns fight Simon Coldwater

Underwater creature

A naked horned monster


Demon with horns over skulls

Mr Monster

Cover to Doom Patrol #32 by Simon Bisley

Vs a Spider monster

Cover to Doom Patrol #29 by Simon Bisley

7 different monsters in this image

A warrior with a very large gun

Jaguar Man fights a gaint snake

Cover to Doom Patrol #58 by Simon Bisley

Cover to Thump''n Guts #1


Cover to Doom Patrol #40 by Simon Bisley

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