Sunday 22 January 2012

What I got up to the Week Just gone

Oh did I mention for Christmas I got a Troll doll (above) called Tom Trollop!? no! well now you know. Now lets start at the very beginning of the Week.

Monday the 16th of January 2012
Went into Uni today to work on what was It now Shot 3 Scene 2 I think I cant really remember what I did today :/ I know I did stay on till 5 o'clock though!

Tuesday the 17th of January 2012
Work on scene 7 shot 27 :O Thats jumping the gun abit heres a little snippet. Jud was pleased with what I did and So was I actually!
Wednesday the 18th of January 2012
From what I remember I stayed on Till about 5 again and worked on scenes 1 shot 1 and Scene 2 shot 2 the progress of Scene 2 carried on till Thursday.

Thursday the 19th of January 2012
Showed Mario Some shots that I worked on (Shot 1 and 3) Said I needed to tweak them a bit so I did that I also told him that I aim to get 3 shots done each week!. When I got home however I worked on this.....
 Yeah thats right Its re-occurring character "Tom-Man" and friends. I showed this my friends and they thought It was very good :)  

Friday the 20th of January 2012
Took a break from my 3 minute film today to work on my never ending Tom-Man comic I know It Isn't really related to University work But Its what I want to concentrate on when I leave (Think I mentioned that in a previous blog).
I also went out for the first time in 3 bloody months! with My friends Dan, Melly and Rahilly (Mellys pet name to Rahil just roll with It OK) We went to Adelphi and a few drinks except for Dan and Rahil because they went out the previous night and they both had a Headache however this event was cut a bit short as Melly was going to Nottingham this weekend so we ended up taking Melly to the train station for 10 past 9 and going home for Half past 9 what a crappy night If this what being an adult Is staying up till half past 9 then I want out but on a good note It was good to see my friends again.   

Saturday the 21st of January 2012
I was going to carry on with Shot 2 which I did but then Me and my Dad oh and Mum went to Capitol centre (Here is a picture of Capitol centre) 
Tesco Homeplus - Remodelling
Because I was in need of a new portable Hard drive the one I have at that moment was abit crap mainly because It was password protected which Is good but not when I have to keep on putting the password In after going for a Bit of a walk. So now I have a Seagate portable Hard drive which is alright actually problem is Its made of that Piano Black plastic which is constantly getting dusty but I shouldn't really worry about It.

Sunday the 22nd of January 2012
Asides from updating this Blog Im going to try and sort out the Kinks with my first shot and shot 2. Im also Intent on going In to Uni tomorrow like I say this 3 minute Film isn't going to do Itself!
Heres some Videos I watched this week.



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