Saturday 12 May 2012

Action Plan

Because I leave University forever soon the tutors are Fascinated in what I intend to do when I leave University. As I recall in a previous entry I said that want to become a Illustrator or Free lance artist you can read It here

(although Technically you are already "free lance" when you Leave university you just need a separate bank account for the money you get from work so you can get paid). Back to the Action plan Im going to start with the first Action plan I made in March the 17th so Ill start with the where I am at the Present, what I Like and dislike about the Situation Im in now and then Talk about the Future

The only thing I dont like about this entry Is my Honesty to saying how I dont like University life anyone. Its true I dont enjoy going to University any more I don't really get on with anyone and I don't enjoy animation as much as I used to either also we have been having lovely weather lately and im missing out on It because I have to work inside! Now on to the Future or the "Future I want".
In The Future part I talk abit about my Original character and also that I want to get Into freelance :/ Hmm I do recall doing an Action Plan where I just say I want to get in to The Illustration Industry but oh well. A few things I have done since I wrote this Action Plan are

  • I did a entry about how much an Illustrator gets and How I can earn a living out of It there Is a link to go to that Entry. 
  • Ive Created a C.V. which I sent of to futures and I did get a reply from the Futures department. They wanted me to make changes and meet Liz Bradley (Disability Careers Adviser) to go through my C.V. the reason I meeting her Is because I mentioned my Aspergers
  • I attended the Meeting with Anne Newman over the Easter holidays and she gave me loads of useful bits of Information Bits of Information which I have forgotten about since that meeting Whoops :/
I couldn't Go to the Interview Skills meeting because the David Buntings guest lecture got In the way. Ok I have made some Change to the Action plan which I did earlier in April or may I can't remember which.

Ive finished all the shots for my three minute film I just need to put It altogether. I am intent on meeting Anne Newman again but I might leave that holidays when I go job hunting and get help from the Futures department. I might make a start on watermarking my comics after Ive handed in all my work. Thats all I can think of I don't really know how to wrap this entry up.   

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