Sunday 12 February 2012

What tom got up to this week

Look at this horrible Photo of me at Warehouse :/

Alright lets start with Monday the 6th of February 2012
I was a Bit late today because of the fact I had Tooth ache and I had to pay a visit to the dentist. Turned out that my Wisdom teeth are coming through and are pushing all my other teeth out the way which is causing me pain. Anyways From what I remember I worked on some shots which Judd (One D in Jud) wanted me to work on a bit more and those shots were Shot 5 and 6. 

Tuesday the 7th of February 2012
I was feeling anti social today so I hid away in animation alley I also showed Jud those shots I was talking about previously. I also worked on the Final shot of scene 2. I also coloured In a Pic of Hipster Tom-Man.
Wednesday the 8th of February 2012
From what I recall I worked on some shots for Scene 3 there's only 3 shots to worry about so Ill work on them abit more this up coming week.

Thursday the 9th of February 2012
Other than My aunty Angela coming round to visit, I stayed in class today Up until 2:30 I think to worked on shot 7. I also found out my grades from last semiester. 

For the Animatic I got 65% out of 70%
And for the Futures project book I got 67% out of 70% (If that makes sense)

So thats a Second in animation Thats great! Its what I hoped for anyway I told my family and they were very proud of me.

Friday the 10th of February 2012
I met the first of Many guest speakers "Roger Law" the Evil genius behind 80s Political satire puppet show "Spitting Image" below is a Video of Roger law from 2010 talking about some work he was doing for the Tate.
In fact I recognised that Image of of that political debate election thingy....It appeared on the Guide magazine didn't It I dont know why I am asking you.
Asides from meeting Roger Law I coloured in another Comic for some reason  guess they calm me down.
Saturday the 11th of February 2012
Didn't really do much work today In fact I hardly did any thing except go Southport with my aunt and the rest of my family. I bought some Hair Gel and an Animation Book by Astroboy creator Osama Tezuka. I also began typing up 260 words about Roger Law.  

Sunday the 12th of October February 2012
If it was October I wouldn't be doing this Blog well I might carry on with it Who knows! Angela leaves today :( but I may see her again before July (Im intent on going to Cardiff in July see) I dont know what Im going to do Today Im sure Ill think of something I always do!

I leave you now with 2 Videos like always! Lets see what can I leave with you with ummm.
Oh yeah a Clip of Mr. DNA From Jurassic Park I watched that quite abit during this week I dont know why like..... 
Another video I found was of Angry man Charlie Brooker paying tribute to Stop frame animator Oliver Postgate the man Behind beloved animations such as the Clangers and Bagpuss. By the way this tribute was first shown on the 16th of December 2008 on BBC 4.   

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