Sunday 25 March 2012

The End of March is almost upon us!

So lets find out what Tom got up to this week! We shall begin on Monday!

Monday the 19th/03/12
Well From what I remember I went into University to work on Scene 5 I also went on search for a Missing Key which my brother sent to wrong department *Facepalm* nice one bro!

Tuesday the 20th/03/12 
Carried on with Scene 5. later that afternoon I met visual effects animator David Buntings who was quite young looking compared to all the other guest animators we've had visit us in University I don't know where Im going with this actually

Wednesday the 21st/03/12
Carried on animating and then I met who did I meet oh yeah animator and Novelist Candy Guard she didn't really talk about her books she doing but she talked more about the animations she did back in the 90s (sigh I miss the 90s)  I should have really asked her about the books she did >:(

Thursday the 22nd/03/12
Thursday rolled Its sorry ass over the Hill and by now Ive had enough of this week but the good news was I got Scene 5 done so now I can work on Scene 6 and if I work on a that this week and get It done next week Ill be past the half way point.

Friday the 23rd/03/12
Met animation Tony Collingwood a Man who worked on childhood cartoons such as Oscars Orchestra, The Denis the Menace cartoon what else did he do Oh yeah Yoko Jakamoko Toto and the Secret show. he Is currently working on a show for Cbeebies called Ruff ruff tweet and Dave which he showed the animation peeps and other students. I liked this if It was on In the morning Id probably watch It I love Dave the Panda aswell still last time I checked Pandas don't eat bananas or do they :/ Oh sh*t I also met up with some friends and we went to the Cinema to see the rather Funny 21 jump street.

Saturday the 24th/03/12
Just worked on some Essays today then I had a quiet night in. I also coloured in a Tom-Man comic 
speaking of which Ive really got to make a start on sending my comics off to publishers but Ive got to watermark them first.

Sunday 25th/03/12
Updated this blog. well Im gonna bang out some Essays and do some scanning. I also need a shower so Ill go do that and now to play us out Its the French Synth band SPACE! with Voices of Jupiter yayy

Sunday 18 March 2012

The Bizzare adventures of Tom Brain

After University Im going to do a new blog and Im going to call It "The Bizzare adventures of Tom Brain" but until then im gonna carry on with this Blog.

This week has been bizzare but why Is that!? I think its because I was Ill but lets start at the begging with Monday

Monday the 12/03/2012
uh right well from what I remember from my broken brain I worked on Scene 4 and 5 I also met up with an actor called James O'Conner whos studying at UClan (obviously) and he provided some great voices for my Characters for Chuck the Space Monkey he was great.

Tuesday the 13/03/2012
Worked on Scene 5......... thats It really :I uhh Oh Wednesday

Wednesday the 14/03/2012
Asides from animating I met Pete Bishop whos like a Director an Animator he was a very Informative chap he doesn't like his face :/ well Im mean I don't mind my face Its just that If I had an extra chin like my dad then Im gonna have to start to worry.

Thursday the 15/03/2012
Remember at the start of this entry when I told you I was Ill yay well I was real Ill today I threw up at one point no one wants that :( I managed to find comfort though by watching the "Fifth element" heres the Trailer.
Friday the 16/03/12
Still Ill :( but I stopped throwing up so thats good I started on a couple of Essays but I had a binding feeling in my stomach thats no good :( so I took a bit more Time off and watched Man v. Food on Dave the channel. I also coloured In this Pic.

Saturday the 17/03/12
I felt a bit better today so worked on some essays and then I went into University in the afternoon I thought I was having a lecture with Tim Searle of Baby cow animation but turned out that wasn't happening until 4 but no one in the third year knew about this except for Kadei. God I was so angry after that how angry you want to know how Angry I WAS ANGRY WITH EVERYONE KIND OF LIKE CHARLIE BROOKER IN THIS VIDEO!!!!! ARRGGGGHHHH!!!
I eventually calmed down after my parents found a Sketchpad in the garage I did as a Kid full of all these characters I drew when I was a Kid and I didn't even know existed :/ Still It was awesome I now have a great back catalogue of Characters that Im Intent on reusing :D

Sunday the 18/03/12
Felling better today Ive got some notes to scan to for some woman whos doing a masters degree in animation :/ f*ck my life any Its a really nice day as well I might go stand in the Garden and look at that pond me and dad made.

And here to play us out this week is Mark Shreeve with Storm Column oh no wait we had that one last week How about Brian Eno & Laraaji with The Dance #2 and a Lego Advert and then Ill see you all next week :)

Sunday 11 March 2012

What did tom get up to this week

Well lets find out shall we :D we begin the week with 

Monday the 5th of March 2012
Worked on Scene 4 thats all really yeah :/

Tuesday the 6th of March 2012 
Didn't really do much today as I was felling a bit Ill It might be Man flu although I hardly got any sleep the previous night. I also thought I was going to a meeting today with the futures but It turns out thats not today Its on the 20th of March.

Wednesday the 7th of March 2012
We were supposed to meet animator David Bunting today but like me he was a bit under the weather so he didn't turn up that day :( so Instead I carried on with animating scene 4 and worked upon scene 5 the next day.

Thursday the 8th of March 2012 
Carried on with Scene 4 and yeah worked on scene 5 later on that day :/ I also met up with my Games design mates:D who I haven't seen In a week or so 

Friday the 9th of March 2012
Friday was alright :) I worked upon This comic which I actually got round to finishing on the Saturday.
Asides from that I went to see another Film this week with my friends. And It was Disneys answer to Avatar (thats what I call It any way) JOHN CARTER! 
Its a very brutal film Quite a bit of violence for a disney film. It also has a Dog monster called "Woola" which me and my friend Dan liked :D on the way out from the Cinema however I saw this beautiful site.
ITS A RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT :O how is this possible! want to know more click the link below CLICK IT!!!

Saturday the 10th of March 2012 (what!? already)
I was going to work on a bit more on my essays but Im going to leave that to Sunday. Today however me and Dad went to see an exhibition in Clitheroe. Heres a link.

The Fateful fable of 13 features 13 unfortunate looking ceramic characters Including Sir Spiffington, Lionel Vinyl, Lobster boy and some Carrot magician these characters were created by Matthew Roby. I took some photos of them but then I got told of by one of the museum Staff by doing so whoops :/

Sunday the 11th of March 2012
Im going to work on My Essays if I do at least 4 of the Main people then I will reward my self with alcohol :D Maybe. And now for something I haven't done in a while and thats shown you some Videos that I have watched during the week the first of which Is an Animation created by Peephole Circus about the British afternoon game show Countdown.....
And now to play us out with his Electro Jive tune Its Mark Shreeve with Storm Column! See you next week :D

Tuesday 6 March 2012

What Tom got up to last week.....

This blog entry is a bit late but why is that!? well Ill get to that soon but First!

Monday the 27th of February 2012
Worked on me 3 minute film I also started to think of some questions I could ask to Illustrator Steven Appleby (who was coming to visit us on Friday)

Tuesday the 28th of February 2012
Carried on with me 3 minute film I was currently working on Scene 4 I think

Wednesday the 29th of February 2012
Carried on with My 3 minute film but other than that I (and a bunch of other animation students) met head of Broadcasting of Aardman animation "Miles Bulough" he gave us tricks and trips but mainly advice on what broadcasters like CBBC and CITV (the place to be) are looking for.

For those of you who care here Is a Link to Miles Blog

Thursday the 1st of March 2012
Another Month draws to a close so I Carried on with my three minute also I don't think Jud was In don't know why Im telling you that though. I also did this Puzzle sheet In the evening

Friday the 2nd of March 2012
Asides from meeting Steven Appleby and asking him If "If there's any advice you could give to some one who wants to get into the Illustration Industry what would that be" or something like that! I also did this :D
For those of you who like me like the sound of this Steven Apple here Is a Link too his Website

Saturday the 3rd of March 2012
Didn't really do any work this weekend Naughty boy >:( the reason to that is because I was In Birmingham with my Dad and we were moving stuff about at his parents house there were having the electrician in see and my Granddad buys alot of stuff that he doesn't need :/ some of It is still in Its packaging. Here is a picture of me with some puppets who look just look like my Grandparents.

Sunday the 4th of March 2012
Because my grandparents live near the Airport they have triple glazed windows so that way we couldn't hear the planes taking off at night and me and my dad were Roasting in a small Bed room and I woke up dazed and confused in Birmingham. We were going to go home at Lunch but Nan was going to give us  a Sunday roast which was good but It took her 2 years to make It :/ (thats me being sarcastic). So we returned home at 4.50 this week Im going to get scene 4 done and get rid of this blasted cold!

For those of you who remembered last weeks Blog entry I was going to colour In a picture of Tom-Man and Jerry and I did :D quite alot of people liked It....
And now to play us out Its the Chip tune Musician Zabutom with one of his many tunes Zeta Force Level X (when I listen to this tune I imagine that Im attending a Business meeting ON PLUTO!!!)