Sunday 25 March 2012

The End of March is almost upon us!

So lets find out what Tom got up to this week! We shall begin on Monday!

Monday the 19th/03/12
Well From what I remember I went into University to work on Scene 5 I also went on search for a Missing Key which my brother sent to wrong department *Facepalm* nice one bro!

Tuesday the 20th/03/12 
Carried on with Scene 5. later that afternoon I met visual effects animator David Buntings who was quite young looking compared to all the other guest animators we've had visit us in University I don't know where Im going with this actually

Wednesday the 21st/03/12
Carried on animating and then I met who did I meet oh yeah animator and Novelist Candy Guard she didn't really talk about her books she doing but she talked more about the animations she did back in the 90s (sigh I miss the 90s)  I should have really asked her about the books she did >:(

Thursday the 22nd/03/12
Thursday rolled Its sorry ass over the Hill and by now Ive had enough of this week but the good news was I got Scene 5 done so now I can work on Scene 6 and if I work on a that this week and get It done next week Ill be past the half way point.

Friday the 23rd/03/12
Met animation Tony Collingwood a Man who worked on childhood cartoons such as Oscars Orchestra, The Denis the Menace cartoon what else did he do Oh yeah Yoko Jakamoko Toto and the Secret show. he Is currently working on a show for Cbeebies called Ruff ruff tweet and Dave which he showed the animation peeps and other students. I liked this if It was on In the morning Id probably watch It I love Dave the Panda aswell still last time I checked Pandas don't eat bananas or do they :/ Oh sh*t I also met up with some friends and we went to the Cinema to see the rather Funny 21 jump street.

Saturday the 24th/03/12
Just worked on some Essays today then I had a quiet night in. I also coloured in a Tom-Man comic 
speaking of which Ive really got to make a start on sending my comics off to publishers but Ive got to watermark them first.

Sunday 25th/03/12
Updated this blog. well Im gonna bang out some Essays and do some scanning. I also need a shower so Ill go do that and now to play us out Its the French Synth band SPACE! with Voices of Jupiter yayy

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