Friday 26 August 2011

What I got up to this Week (Part 5)

I know I didn't tell you what I did last week But I will get round to that but for now I will tell you what I got up to this week!

Monday the 22nd of August
I started to do a Blog entry on me 3 minute film and I am yet to Finnish it I also did a character design sheet for the Futures project

Tuesday the 23rd of August 
Didn't do a whole lot of work today no wait tell a Lie I think Did some more character sheets for the futures project

Wednesday the 24 of August    
I WENT TO PLEASURE BEACH and Nickelodeon land It was Awesome!

 That was a fun day out I was intending on doing some work when I got back but It was about 9:00pm I think

Thursday the 25 of August
Other than making this poster thing on photoshop (look bellow assholes!)
I was dealing with one of my many friends who was feeling a bit Suicidal :0 and It was up to me to listen and cheer them up. Im in the wrong profession I should be cheering up depressed people!

Friday the 26th of August
Updated the Blog and found out about the very Groovy artist "Dan Hipp" have a look at his stuff its pretty awesome (link below)

Im also gonna need to top up my phone as Its running out of credit, Im also gonna work on more stuff for me Futures project. I leave you now with one of the many unreleased Tracks "Boards of Canada" did Its called 4B

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