Sunday 28 August 2011

What I got up to the Week before last week

Heres an update to my blog which I should have done ages ago god Im so forgetful! lets start at the first day of the Week Monday! 

Monday the 15th of August 2011
I didn't do an awful lot today well I went to south port and bought "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" which has to be the coolest animated film "EVER" for those of you who have been in a comma for the Past 2 years heres a Trailer for that film 

Tuesday the 16th of August   
The family and I didn't go out today we just stayed in had a Laugh! I also Drew out some Ideas for the Future project

Wednesday the 17th of August
I recall going to the seaside town of Morecambe and bringing Gran along who has recently been diagnosed with Cancer :( hopefully she'll pull through. I had alot of fun in Morecambe. 

Thursday the 18th of August 
I think I went to Asda and I bought 2000AD yeahh I dont really have a Great memory of this week at all hmm Next blog entry is going to be about Phil the Mouse see you there!

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