Friday 16 September 2011

Life's a Stage so where's the Script!? here's what I got up to this week......

Monday the 12th of September 2011(ooh!!!)
Worked a bit more of the presentation kind of wished I didn't now Damn as my tutors rushed me with my presentation but before I tell you that story I have to tell you this Story!

Tuesday the 13th of September 2011  
Went to town for one final time to meet up with some friends, Not only did buy my first Twinkie (Twinkie's In Preston WHAT!?) 

but I also bought a CD it was the experimental band "Orbital" with Halcyon. 


Wednesday 14th of September 2011
Didn't do a whole lot except for Packing my Bag for Uni. My head was a mess at night I barely slept well I had a Dream It started nice but then I found a Curtain and I felt a great sense of fear, whatever was behind that Curtain I did not want to see.

Thursday 15th of September 2011
A sunny day today and I returned to Uni, I was welcomed by Sarah who Told me I should have been in yesterday but then she realised I was in the third year and that I was In today! (sigh!) Any way my presentation It was to long Which Sarah constantly reminded me! (I should have took a leaf from Michael Bells book He had an Idea with what he was doing) and also Judd left! during my presentation (he probably had to make a phone call) Anyway's long story short Sarah, Mario and Steve didn't like my First Idea with Phil the Mouse, They said Space Monkey was a Strong Idea and that Laser-rodd confused them! (what!?) also Steve loved my Futures project with the Monsters "Thanks Steve!"

Im referring to these Monsters 

So overall Shorten out my slides and synopsis's also Sarah said something about me going to say bad stuff about her and Mario in the Production diary Ha "me" as if

"Whoa there you Showed a Weakness he pounces!"

Friday the 16th of September 2011
Kind of got up early this morning I didn't want to though wanted to have a lie in, Today Im gonna concentrate on the Series project and think of some Episode Ideas my dad suggested an Idea for my series "Monsterology" the episodes should be like "Heroes" (well Not exactly like them!) but How in one episode they would concentrate on one character like "Hiro" and in another Episode they'd concentrate on another character I Think thats a pretty cool Idea. 

I leave you now with one of David firths many animations this one is called is "Cyber Mettel" and I think it appeared in Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe I could be mistaken!       

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