Saturday, 10 December 2011

Budget Development

With a little help from my dad I got the budget done for the futures project WOOO! now Im going to do an entry about the development of the Budget. I did an entry about the the Budget a while back.

Ok lets start with the Equipment budget which I did and I recall doing If that makes sense Im reading this sentence right now and It doesn't seem to make any Sense :/
If your wondering where I got the Prices for the Technical equipment from I got them at! I have some Print screens of my shopping cart.

Fun fun times. I then had the equally fun job of picking member for my team which will animate the show (with the exception of the Receptionist, The Production office staff, the voice actors, the accountants and the candle stick maker) Oh I made that last one up by the way why would I need a Candle Stick maker.
Dad (and his Moustache hes had since he was 12) thought it would be good to add a Purpose/Aims for the budget which would be a good Idea.
Bellow is a slightly beefed up version of the Aims.
Ok what else well there's this first draft of my Budget which doesn't feature my  my staff whoops It still very detailed and thats a good thing!
Bellow is the notes for that first draft these notes are about the technology/equipment and Phone costs.
Next set of notes are the Fixtures and fittings of the office.
Next set of notes is the Salaries for the staff.
Whats next......Property costs!
Shortly after the Property costs is the Stationary costs.....
Final bit of these notes is for the heating, Ink cartridges, refreshment ext.
The Last bit Im going to show you is the second Budget which was actually used in the Futures project book I recently got printed out.
I think thats about It really with the budget. Ive nearly finished this Semiester So for these next few day Im gonna try and knock up some blog entries for every day this up coming week.

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