Sunday, 9 October 2011

Philippe Cazaumayou

Heres another artist I aspire to for my research and that Is French Comic artist Philippe Cazaumayou or "Caza" to some people I like to call him Philippe caza heres a Pic of him back in 85 nice outfit!
Born in Paris in 1941 Caza started a Career in the Advertising which lasted 10 years later on Caza began to publish his work in magazine "Pilote". Asides from that hes done loads of other comic based work for other magazines and Has worked along side French animator Rene laloux on the Animated film "Gandahar" (also known as Light years in the US) here is a Poster for Gandahar
 and other animated Film which Ive never heard of called "the rain children" which he did back in 2003 with animator Philippe Leclerc. heres the poster for that if any ones Interested
Now down to Caza's works like most of the "Artist" I admire Caza's works is mostly made up of pics Aliens, Monster, Robots, ancient civilizations and the Odd scantly clad woman. 

Once again I found some of the Images of Caza's work from here an there on the internet but mostly here (by here Im referring to this link)

I think the Last 2 images are my favourite :D

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